A downloadable soundtrack

Inspired by SNES-era soundtrack, mainly from RPGs. In this game you appear in a unusual and yet familiar setting, as if you returned to older times but with recognizable faces like friends and neighbors. You quickly discovered that you entered a person's dream, even though you have no recollection of how exactly that happened. Your main focus is to find out who's dream is this, and how will you manage to break out of the dream.

Mostly the tracks here reflect the setting proposed with the game's idea, with the Final Dungeon - Deepest Tought inpired by the theme art reflecting and revealing the identity of the dreamer.

This soundtrack and its project files are free to download and use it as you like. You can download the projects files in the  NevermindKingdom_ProjectJson.zip file, in which you can use UltraBox to import the song using the .json files. Credits are not mandatory but very much appreciated!

Made in a week for the OST Composing Jam #7.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bariani/sets/nevermind-kingdom-ost

Made using UltraBox

Album art based on an original artwork by @kawaakar._


Prologue - Nevermind Castle.mp3 2.7 MB
Overworld - Plains in my Dreams.mp3 2.5 MB
Battle - Wild Doubts.mp3 1.5 MB
Dungeon - Solace.mp3 3 MB
Boss Battle - Rejected Memory.mp3 1.4 MB
Siege Theme - Conflict of Ideas.mp3 2.2 MB
Final Dungeon - Deepest Thought.mp3 2.1 MB
Wi-Fi Settings.mp3 1.2 MB
NevermindKingdom_ProjectJson.zip 72 kB

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