A fishing game with some scary creatures beneath the surface. Will you be able to fish all 10 of them?


  • Arrow keys - Move
  • Z - Aim to cast, hold to cast further / Reel in / Hook fish
  • X - Cancel aim
  • S - Change bait while fishing and with arrow keys
  • A - Open gallery
  • ENTER - Check entry on gallery


  • Use the Arrow keys to move around!
  • Press Z to aim and hold it again to cast out, or press X to move out!
  • While aiming you can switch to a different bait by holding S and moving with the arrow keys.
  • If a fish has bitten, press Z again to hook it!
  • Don't let it get away! Keep holding Z to reel it in, but don't hold it for too long or the line will snap! Be careful because some of these fish can put quite a fight.
  • Once caught, you can view it in the gallery by pressing A and to view an entry press ENTER.


  • Some fish are only attracted to a single type of bait so choose accordingly. If you run out you can look around for more!
  • And some fish can also be used as bait, so you can mooch it to try to land a even bigger catch!
  • Some exceptionally rare fish only appear on certain time periods so keep an eye on it!


AndersonGarrote - art and UI programming
grasstypefire - programming, game design, sounds and music

All assets were made during the jam.

Game made in Godot Engine
Art made in Aseprite
Sounds and music made in Jummbox
Font: Dogica font

Check our other projects including a dark fantasy roguelike at: https://lightmancerstudios.com/


Fishpooky_Linux.x86_64 71 MB
Fishpooky_Win.exe 88 MB

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